Mobility Scooter Types Explained (Which Is BEST For You?)

For those struggling with limited mobility issues, a mobility scooter can provide freedom to explore their world. But with many different TYPES of mobility scooters, it may be challenging to determine which one will best meet your needs. 

Let’s take a closer look at the mobility scooter types so you can choose the perfect one for you. 

How Do I Choose a Mobility Scooter?

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right mobility scooter for your needs. One of them is the type of storage base you have.

Ideally, you should store your mobility scooter in a clean, dry, secure place that provides safe access.

Outside storage is a possibility, providing you have access to a garage or scooter shed with an electrical outlet to recharge the battery.

On average, your scooter will need five feet in length, a width of three feet, and a height of four feet for storage, but be sure to check with the scooter manufacturer for exact specifications.

The intended usage of the mobility scooter also plays a role in determining which model will work best for you.

For instance, if the intent is to transport the scooter to locations where it will travel short distances, you would need a different model than a scooter that would replace a car. 

A mobility scooter can transform your daily life but is very expensive. It can cost anywhere from a few hundred to thousands. Note that there are options for fully or partially covering the cost of a mobility scooter through Medicare and other organizations.

Mobility Scooter Classes

Like other vehicles, mobility scooters have driving classifications to specify their power and usage.

Power wheelchairs and mobility scooters are classified as medical equipment by the Food and Drug Administration. They require most public places to make reasonable accommodations in catering to the transportation needs of these individuals. 

Class 1 Mobility Scooters

Class 1 mobility scooters are light and compact for easy transport and work well for short trips. This class of scooters includes devices that travel up to 10 miles on a single charge and under four miles per hour at maximum speed.

Scooters in this range work well for traveling on footpaths or pavement and can carry a weight limit of up to 280 pounds.

Manual wheelchairs and medical transport chairs are also part of this class.

Class 2 Mobility Scooters

Scooters in this class are heavier and more stable than models falling under the Class 1 grouping. They can travel over four miles per hour but not exceed eight miles per hour and 30 miles on a single charge.

Scooters in this range can carry loads up to 350 pounds. Dismantling them for transport is more involved. 

Class 3 Mobility Scooters

Class 3 scooters are road legal and only suitable for outdoor use. They are subject to additional rules and regulations.

In addition, pay attention to city and state rules on where you can drive with a mobility scooter (they are not always allowed on the road).

Driving a class 3 scooter does not require a driver’s license or vehicle insurance, and they are capable of traveling up to 8 miles per hour. 

While not required, insurance for a class 3 mobility scooter is an excellent idea that protects you in a collision and protects the scooter from theft, damage, or vandalism.

Although a driver’s license is not required to operate these vehicles, drivers must be older than 14 for legal operation. 

Transportable, Three-Wheel, and Four-Wheel Scooters

Function and purpose are another way mobility scooters are classified.

Knowing the differences between transport, three-wheel, and four-wheel scooters helps you make a wise choice that meets your needs. 

Transport/Portable Scooters

Portable scooters are convenient for people who need mobility support for long-distance walking while traveling.

Scooters in this category can be disassembled or folded down, making them practical choices for carrying in a car trunk or taking on an airplane. 

The latest models of travel scooters weigh in at just over 35 pounds and are small enough to fit inside a duffel bag, and are roughly the size of a small suitcase.

These remarkable devices assemble in less than five minutes and work well for people able to walk short distances. 

Most scooters in this grouping disassemble into 3 to 4 large pieces, easily reassembled for use.

Ultralight transport scooters are available in three and four-wheel models and have weight capacities of 250 pounds and above. 

While mobility scooters help improve the quality of life, studies show that they may also lead to a decline in physical function.

Three-Wheel Scooters vs. Four-Wheel Scooters

Once you’ve decided to purchase a mobility scooter, you’ll need to choose between a three-wheel or a four-wheel model.

Three-wheel scooters tend to be smaller and less expensive than four-wheel scooters. Each category has pros and cons, but personal preference and comfort are the final deciding factors.

Depending on the model, three-wheel scooters are available with the third wheel in front or back.

Single-wheel front scooters are excellent for maneuverability and sharp turns, ideal for tight spaces and indoor usage.

Related: Are mobility scooters permitted in stores? Tips + what you should know.

Some riders find single-wheel front scooters unstable and prefer a two-wheel front model.

Single-wheel front models also have the advantage of extra legroom on the sides of the wheel that are not possible with a two-wheel front scooter.

The excess legroom can be particularly attractive for riders with long legs or limitations to the hip or knee or who have recently undergone surgery.

Four-wheel mobility scooters offer more stability than three-wheel models and can handle rugged terrain more effectively.

Four-wheel scooters can often travel faster than three-wheels and move further on a single charge. Usually, 4-wheelers are the most suitable mobility scooters for riders six feet and up since they offer enough stability.

But not all four-wheel scooters are well suited for indoor use, and riders may face difficulty boarding public transport or airplanes. 


Choosing the perfect mobility scooter is a personal matter that depends on each rider’s taste and unique situation. Transportability, safety, and cost are factors to take into consideration.

The availability of individual options like extra batteries for extended ride time or canopies for usage in hot, sunny temperatures is all things that you will want to keep in mind as you begin your search. 

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