What to Do if My Mobility Scooter Won’t Start? (How To FIX)

A mobility scooter can help you move around without needing to hire car services or use walking aids. Therefore, it’s frustrating when it gets to a point where your mobility scooter won’t start.

Mobility scooters are just like any other machines; they require regular maintenance to ensure systems are running as needed. It’s also common to experience mechanical issues when using these machines. 

So, if your scooter won’t start, it’s essential to know how you can troubleshoot it or get the expert assistance you require. This article will guide you to understand what you should do if the scooter won’t start.

Common Mobility Scooter Faults and How to Fix Them

When the mobility scooter fails to start, this indicates that there are mechanical issues you could be dealing with.

There is a good chance the scooter won’t start because of issues such as motor, battery, controller/joystick, ignition key, or even the tires.

Here’s a closer look at how these issues can prevent the device from working optimally.

Motor Issues

The scooter’s motor is what allows the machine to move. Without a motor, the scooter is nothing but an expensive seat with wheels.

Mobility scooters are designed to serve you for years without needing any maintenance. But if you’ve been using yours for some time, and maybe driving your power scooter on the roads, you might experience motor issues.

Typically, damage to the motor can occur when exposed to heavy rainfall, dusty environments, or deep puddles.

Motor issues aren’t experienced immediately, and since your scooter won’t start, consider checking for potential motor issues.

Check the Battery

You should also check the battery for potential issues if your scooter doesn’t start. Maybe the battery isn’t fully charged.

The root cause of the problem could be that you’re using a faulty charger. Usually, the manufacturer should provide you with a new charger if this is an issue you’re dealing with.

Battery issues with your scooter aren’t something to be worried about. It’s normal because of the constant charging and discharging, which might affect the battery’s effectiveness.

If the charger isn’t an issue, replacing the battery would be a good option.

Still, if you aren’t convinced that your scooter doesn’t start because of the battery, check for the following signs:

Scooter Cutting Out

The mobility scooter might start cutting out when running. This is a sign that the battery needs replacement.

Charger not Recognized

If the battery no longer recognizes when the charger is connected, this should also signal you to consider replacing the battery.

Scooter Only Covers Short Distances

Your battery may have weakened if the mobility scooter no longer travels long distances.

Towards the end of the battery’s lifespan, its strength declines. Hence, we recommend you replace it.

The Battery Doesn’t Reach Full Charge

If the battery doesn’t reach full charge, it tells you there’s something wrong with it.

You should start thinking of replacing it before inconveniencing yourself when you least expect it.

Check Your Tires

Your mobility scooter has tires that wear and tear. Therefore, these need replacing after using the scooter for some time. Mobility scooters come with two types of tires, pneumatic and solid tires.

Pneumatic tires are more comfortable than solid tires but wear out quickly. It’s essential to check your scooter tires regularly. Look for signs of tear around the sidewalls.

Ensure you replace your tires if you notice any wear and tear. Worn-out tires will affect the braking performance of your gadget.

So, it’s safe not to overlook the importance of replacing them as soon as possible. 

Check the Ignition Switch

The scooter won’t start, probably because of ignition switch issues. This is a common mechanical issue in most scooters. 

Since the ignition switch is prone to corrosion, the key can break off or stick inside the ignition system. If the key breaks inside the ignition, use a pair of tweezers to remove it.

If you have trouble doing this, you can start a mobility scooter with a flat-head screwdriver or a pair of needle-nose pliers. 

Ensure you replace the ignition system or have your key replaced if you experience key-related problems.

The last thing you need is to cause more damage to the ignition system by using alternative ways to start the vehicle.

Inspecting Your Mobility Scooter

Prevention is an effective way of reducing the likelihood of the mobility scooter breaking down. The manufacturer’s manual should provide a checklist of what you need to do to maintain the scooter in good working condition.

If your mobility scooter won’t move, and it keeps beeping, count the beeps and check what those beep codes mean from the user’s manual.

Check the scooter daily to make sure the battery is fully charged. You should also keep it clean, particularly around the tires.

We also recommend weekly maintenance to confirm that all components, like the steering and controller, are in mint condition.

Monthly inspection should be carried out for potential damages, especially if you bumped into objects or used the gadget in extreme weather conditions.

If you can’t perform regular checks in person, ask a friend or a family member to help you. Your safety comes first.

Your scooter should be in the best condition possible. So, don’t neglect the importance of regular maintenance.

Scooter Won’t Start – Things to Avoid

When the scooter fails to start, you might want to force it to make it start by trying certain things. Here are some of the things to avoid.

Don’t force a restart. Apart from causing further damage to the scooter, you risk injuring yourself if the scooter moves suddenly.

Don’t jump off the mobility scooter. You shouldn’t try jumping off the scooter just because it can’t start. Be cautious and get off the machine slowly with the help of someone.

Settle for random quick fixes. Sure, quick fixes might get the scooter running. However, a long-term solution is to seek professional assistance.

All in all, if your scooter won’t start, it’s crucial that you follow the recommended troubleshooting options discussed herein. If the problem persists, seek professional assistance to ensure the issue gets fixed in time.

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