5 Tips on How to Use a Cane Properly
At a glance, this title can seem quite confusing. We all KNOW how to use a cane. But DO we?
While it may seem as though using a cane is easy, it’s because most people are doing it WRONG.
For your cane to help support you, you need to know how to use it.
Continue reading to learn more about how to use your cane:
1) Adjusting the Cane
One of the first things you need to do is make sure that the HANDLE has been adjusted to your height.
This means that the handle should be exactly level with your wrist.
Now, place your hand on the handle. Your elbow should slightly be angled forward but not by too much.
This is how you know that you have set the proper height for a cane.
2) Choosing the Hand to Hold Your Cane
For most tasks, you use your dominant hand to complete them. This is because it is a natural tendency, making handling the task a lot easier.
With canes, however, it is a bit different. Here, it is more about how to use it with your legs.
First, you need to determine the WEAKEST leg.
This can be due to several reasons, including injury. You may also be recovering from surgery.
The next step is to hold the stick in hand opposite the weakest leg.
This way, you give your weaker limb an adequate amount of support as you walk with the device.

3) How to Walk With a Cane

Note that when you walk with a cane, you might tend to look down.
However, you should keep correcting your gaze in front of you (don’t look down).
This will help you to maneuver better.
Clutching the stick on your good side, you should take a step with your ‘bad’ leg.
At the same moment, SWING your stick forward. It is crucial to make sure that you swing it as far as the step that you have just taken.
Place your weight on the device to remove pressure from your leg.
Then, using your strong leg, step past the stick. You should continue in this fashion for the duration of your journey.
When you are TURNING, it is important to use your strong leg to turn instead of your weak leg.
This is your best strategy for walking with a cane.
4) Climbing the Stairs with a Cane
Hold onto the rail for support if there is one.
Place the cane in your OPPOSITE hand.

When stepping UP, put your STRONG leg on the next step FIRST. Then, follow with the cane and your weaker leg.
When going DOWN, place the cane FIRST on the step below you. Then, place your WEAKER leg there while placing your weight on the stick. Once this is done, you can bring your stronger leg down.
If there is no handrail, follow the same procedure, but keep your cane on the side you normally use.
Just take it easy – go up with the good leg, down with the bad, one step at a time.
5) How to Maintain Safety While Using Your Cane

One of the things you should do is get yourself a device that can support you properly.
Ask your doctor to recommend one that will suit all of your requirements.
You should choose a cane with the highest quality to ensure your safety.
You should take care of your device well and keep an eye on its overall structure.
If any part of it is peeling, flaking, or broken, you should get it replaced immediately.
Don’t let the RUBBER TIP become too worn out. Ensure to measure the cane tip size before ordering the replacement.
You should never use a cane that has been compromised in any way.
The Bottom Line
With these tips, you know how to use a cane when walking, turning, or taking the stairs.
You will be able to move more SNOOTHLY and safely this way.
Here you can find some tips on the best walking cane for you.
Here is a short video on how to use a cane properly: