14 Fun Winter Activities for Seniors (What Can Seniors DO In Winter)?

Cold, bleak weather can derail many outdoor activities in winter. But this doesn’t have to mean staying inside and staring at the walls until spring. 

There are many FUN wintertime activities for seniors to consider. 

Read on for a few excellent tailor-made suggestions for this darker time of year. 

1. Get Physical

The benefits of physical activity and exercise for older adults go far beyond looking great. 

Exercise benefits your mental and physical health and is CRUCIAL for aging gracefully. 

Studies show that moderate physical activity most days of the week can halt or even reverse certain chronic conditions. Here, we are talking about conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. 

Exercise improves balance and PREVENTS FALLS as well.

Seniors who participate in regular exercise tend to have more energy. They report fewer sleep problems and less insomnia than those who don’t exercise. 

Studies have also shown that regular physical activity in old age reduces depression symptoms and memory disorders.

Not sure where to START? 

Try one of the following – all of them are perfect indoor options to keep warm in winter!

2. Dancing

Dancing is a great way to stay fit while having fun. 

Dancing helps maintain core strength and improves your posture

It also enhances balance coordination and is a healthy, productive way to work off stress.

3. Joining a Gym

If dancing isn’t your thing, but you want to be physically active, how about a day trip to a gym?

Nowadays, most gyms offer a FREE ONE-DAY pass that allows you to check out their facilities and see what they offer. 

Some gyms might even have specific programs for seniors.

Find the right exercise programs for you. Note that there are some common exercises that seniors should avoid.

Contact a gym near you to get started. 

4. Yoga

While yoga is not for everyone, it might be a good idea to give it a try after approval from your doctor. 

Yoga strengthens your body while improving those aches and pains we are subjected to as we grow older. 

Yoga will also improve your SLEEP and lift your mood.

5. Swimming

Swimming is an excellent exercise for improving your heart health and endurance. 

Swimming helps alleviate pressure on damaged, painful joints. 

Same time it improves muscle strength and muscle tone. It also provides a SAFE way to enhance the range of motion for your hips, knees, and shoulders. 

Find out more about how swimming can benefit you.

6. Refine a New Craft

Chilly winter days are well suited for learning a new craft or rediscovering one you abandoned long ago. 

Craft projects are great for fine motor skills and provide a creative outlet to keep your mind sharp. 

Working on projects with others provides socialization and a mood BOOST. Working with others improves cognitive ability and lowers your blood pressure. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

7. Painting

Painting provides a relaxing, no-pressure environment to meet old and new friends. 

Painting allows artists to use both brain halves. It creates and improves cognitive function. 

Brush GLIDING across the canvas! Wow! 

That movement helps keep the joints of the wrist and fingers stay limber. 

And it indeed stabilizes and improves mental health.

8. Embroidery

Embroidering a beautiful work of art helps keep fine motor skills sharp. 

Researchers have concluded that embroidery sharpens mental focus

It has a therapeutic, meditative effect on the brain, promoting cognitive vitality.  

9. Calligraphy

Practicing calligraphy allows for creating some stunning pieces of art while improving self-esteem. 

This decorative writing technique enhances your spatial ability. That helps with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory loss issues. 

Studies are ongoing, but the preliminary research is promising. Activities like calligraphy may delay cognitive deterioration in older adults. 

10. Learn a New Language

Learning a new language is a great winter activity. You can use your new skills when traveling to another country or fulfill a lifelong dream.

It carries extra benefits.

Learning a second language boosts brain activity. It promotes the release of n e u r o t r a n s m i t t e r s that naturally decline as you age. 

Learning a new language makes the brain more functional. It improves problem-solving and decision-making abilities. 

Preliminary studies indicate that learning a new language may be easier for older adults. They tend to have more patience and perseverance than younger people. 

11. Create a Game Night to Keep Mental Muscles Working

Whether you’re into card games, board games, or puzzles, game nights offer something for everybody. 

These activities REDUCE loneliness and social isolation, prevalent in the winter months. 

Game night is a fun way to work out your mental muscles and relieve stress. 

If health concerns have you homebound, ONLINE games may be perfect for you. 

As of 2022, one study found that 44% of Americans over 50 enjoy gaming at least once a month (that’s a lot!).

12. Join a Book Club

Books are MAGICAL things! They can transport you to other places and times. 

Have you ever wished to travel back in time? I certainly have. Historical fiction can help.

As you age, reading helps protect your cognitive health. Reading relieves stress and improves sleep quality.

There is a growing body of evidence that reading improves your ability to concentrate. 

BOOK CLUBS allow seniors to discuss opinions, gain new perspectives, and stay engaged in the modern world. 

Reading with a book club keeps you accountable and on track.

This trait is beneficial when reading a book outside your comfort zone or personal choice, which book clubs occasionally do.  

In addition, there are also online book clubs, such as Oprah’s Book Club.

13. Organize a Cook-Off With People You Love

Cooking allows for self-expression and encourages social bonding. 

The smells and taste of cooking certain dishes can trigger happy memories from days long ago. 

Whether you’re cooking or eating, participating in a cook-off will warm up even the coldest days of winter. 

Cooking and baking can deliciously engage all of the senses. It can stimulate the brain in a way that few other activities can. 

Seniors eating meals cooked at home tend to have a healthier diet than those who eat out more. 

14. Plan a Spring Garden

As difficult as it may be to believe, the cold winter days will soon be a memory. 

So why not start planning the spring flower or vegetable GARDEN now? 

Suppose it’s too cold for susceptible varieties. In that case, you might still be able to start a few seedlings indoors in front of a sunny window. 


The cold days of winter allow us to slow down and reflect on the things that bring us joy and purpose. 

Keep these winter activities in mind to have fun, and improve your health and well-being while you’re at it.

But you don’t have to sit inside without doing anything all season. There are many fun indoor activities for seniors to do.

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